Here are three ways you can stay connected with your church family even when we aren't in the same room.
  1. Got a smartphone? Download the app. Did you know our church has an app? If you have a smartphone, download it here... Once it installs and you're in, click on the Events link in the bottom right of the app screen.
  2. On Facebook? Join the Cornerstone Group. Not everyone is on Facebook, but if you are you can join the newly revived Cornerstone Facebook Group.
  3. Ready to serve? Become a Cornerstone Church Online host. Since our services have moved online, everyone can interact in the chat feature of the Church Online Platform when we broadcast the weekend service. We had more people watching online this past weekend than usually show up when we have services at the theater! We need chat hosts to interact live with those watching. God can use you to help change lives for eternity while you're sitting at your computer keyboard. Click this link and type the keyword "host" in the form 'cause saved people serve people!